

A starting point for me is to always design from a holistic perspective, this meaning I have a reflective attitude when designing and keep approaching the design process from different perspectives. My strength is keeping overview of the complete design process, its progress and which steps to take. Zooming into the smallest detail and zooming out again to see the whole picture. Due to my calm, open and perfectionistic nature, I also often take on this role of maintaining overview when working together with multiple people. This helps me communicate the design process and iterations that take place to involved stakeholders.

I value the experience that comes with a product or service. To design experiences, I try to involve users as much as possible in the design process to get to know the target group and what they value. One way of doing this is proper communication with the users and other involved stakeholders. For this I use a visual design thinking approach. By visualising the outcomes and different steps of a design process, the language of design becomes more accessible. Users understand better what is going on and can empathise more with the different scenarios that are visualised. As a result, they have a more meaningful contribution in the design process.

Lastly, I find research throughout the design process to be very valuable. Research provides me with stability during all phases of the design process, making design decisions more grounded. I aim to use different research methods such as journey mapping, interviews and literature review in order to be able to have this holistic perspective and gain as much insight as possible about the user, their values and effect of existing methods or products. Next to that, I also use prototyping and visualising as a research method to explore user interaction, intuition and user experience. This way I aim to create or optimize existing products and services, allowing users to live their daily lives with the products they use supporting their values and routines. In the future I envision myself working as a service designer, using a visual design thinking approach. This field of work would allow me to execute my strengths of managing and overlooking a design process and multi stakeholder communication. In this, I would be able to implement user experience as part of the process and use a visual communication approach.


Our current society has rarely seen a higher degree of innovation and technological developments. With the introduction of artificial intelligence, robots, information technologies and so on, new products and services enter the market to give a podium to these innovations. We come from a product oriented economy where ‘new’, ‘more’, and ‘bigger’ is appealing, both to companies and to users. With the shift towards an experience and transformation economy, we see that the needs of consumers are starting to shift (Pine & Gilmore, 2013). People look to build a relationship with brands, to add value to their life through these products and services and to make the process of obtaining this just as memorable as the product itself.

How can society respond to this shift? I believe that is where we as designers come in. Through our skills and mindset, our role is to look beyond just the product or service developed and delivered. To create an experience around the product that makes the customer perceive the product as something more than material, to create lasting relationships with the company, and to carry out the company’s values. This way tailoring to the shift in consumer needs, while making sure consumers retain value from these products and feel competent in utilizing them.

Currently, companies are responding to this shift by servitizing their products and building networks of actors around their usage models (Lee, Eee Ling & Roto, 2021). This requires a disciplinary leap, in which service design shows promising potential for support. As (service) designers, our role is to enable organizations to manage all these new information technologies, give insight into new opportunities for transformation towards the economy and bring in the user-centered perspective to tailor to the needs of consumers while staying viable as a business.

This transformation is a process that requires a change in mindset, culture and organizational structure. A transformation that requires knowledge and resources to complete. Currently, this makes this transformation available to only a select group of businesses. Those that already have the manpower, time and resources, while smaller organizations and startups also observe the need for this transformation. As designer, it is my goal to enable all that see the value and importance of this transformation to take on this challenge, not just the ones that are lucky to have the resources to do so. By making our mindset, skills and methods more accessible and inclusive, we enable fair and democratized market competition and freedom of choice for consumers.

Lee, Jung-Joo & Ee Ling, Christine & Roto, Virpi. (2022). How HCI Adopts Service Design Unpacking current perceptions and scopes of service design in HCI and identifying future opportunities. 10.1145/3491102.3502128.
Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (2013). The experience economy: past, present and future. In Handbook on the experience economy (pp. 21-44). Edward Elgar Publishing.


2021 – present

Internal project on improving the employee experience, assisting with client work and graduation project on creating a tool for scale-ups to set up and/or improve their customer experience strategy across their channels. Further developing my service design methods.

2020 – present

Visualizing insights and outcomes of design sprints and such as customer journeys ordesign concepts to aid the communication between stakeholders involved.

2018 – present

Coordinator ‘Meeloopdagen’ (2018-2019), Tutor Professional Identity & Vision (2019-2021), Student Assistant ID Communication (2019-2022), Student Assistant User Experience Theory & Practice (2022-present).

2017 – present

Providing advice on promoting and safeguarding the quality of the degree program and actively contributing to educational innovation and enhancement both university wide and within the department.

2019 – 2020

Intern within the Customer Experience team, contributing to various design sprints, hospitality through researching the emotional needs of passengers and visualizing and communicating concepts and outcomes. Learning about journey mapping, co-design, facilitation and concept validation.


2020 – present

Research Design & Development Track
Eindhoven University of Technology

8.1/10 GPA

2016 – 2020

Eindhoven University of Technology
Translating new technologies and societal trends to
innovations for everyday life.

2010 – 2016

Bilingual VWO NT + NG
International Baccelaureate + Cambridge Exam
RSG Slingerbos | Levant


Co-design / co-creation
Service blueprinting
User research & analysis
Journey mapping
Need based profiles / personas
Concept validation
Value proposition
CX strategy

Visual thinking
Exploratory sketching
Lo-fi prototyping
Video prototyping
Adobe Id, Ai, Ps, Ar, Pr
Planning & organization
Teamwork & collaboration